FlexPost Partners with JMB
We at FlexPost Inc. are happy to announce our partnership with JMB Manufacturing! Through this partnership, FlexPost® products will now be available in Australia. We will kickoff our partnership with JMB at the 2017 Parking Australia Outlook show in Sydney, Australia from September 17th-18th! Both of our companies will have our products on display. This parking conference brings together those in parking from all industries and sectors to learn and converse about the newest developments and technologies in parking. We will be displaying with JMB at Booth #7! Stop by and say hello!
JMB Manufacturing
JMB is a premier manufacturer of road safety and car park safety products in Australia. Specializing in spring return products, JMB is able to help businesses reduce parking lot repair costs while protecting drivers and pedestrians. Reduced site attendance and replacement costs, reduced site damage, and increased road safety for pedestrians and workers are just a few benefits or JMB and their products. Portable signage, spring return sign posts, and bollards are among JMB’s product line. Learn more about JMB and their products here.
JMB has a strong commitment to creating environmentally sustainable products. All of the company’s operations comply or exceed current environmental legislation and codes of practice. The reduction of waste and efficient use of all materials, such as water, electricity, transportation mediums, etc, are a top priority at JMB. Everyone from management to employees are trained, educated, and informed on environmental practices and issues. See JMB’s full environmental policy here!
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