FlexPost Offers the Perfect Solution for Bent or Broken Signposts

FlexPost XL-B52-8 All-In-One ADA Bundle

FlexPost is here to help. Our products virtually eliminate damage to cars and parking lot surfaces by flexing upon impact, and then returning to an upright position.
We offer an all-in-one ADA bundle that gives you everything you need to stay in compliance in one kit, including: XL-B52/8, ADA sign, sign brackets, heavy-duty asphalt (HDAA) OR concrete anchoring hardware, and installation instructions.
Products are in-stock and ready to ship.
Plus, installation takes only 30 minutes or less, with no special tools required. Check out our FlexPost-XL installation demo video.
Buy FlexPost XL-B52/8 All-In-One ADA Bundle

Contact FlexPost for an Installation Quote


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